e-Sports Wagering

I evaluated how to implement e-Sports friendly wagering in multiple different games.

Project Timeline

Current Problem

Competitive gamers currently have no way of placing friendly wagers among their friends or peers. In order to do this, they must go through a non secure website that is unintuitive, unsafe, and sometimes fraudulent.

My Solution

An application where competitive gamers can place friendly wagers among each other to further the development of the eSports evolution. Below is a general overview of the experience a user would go through. This application is more in depth than what is shown below but this workflow is the highest priority throughout the documentation because it is the intended goal of the application.

Over the course of the project, I had three main goals I wanted to look in to. These included the application navigation, identifying page content, and how the user would create a party.

Application Navigation

In order to identify the application navigation, I looked into similar application types to get inspiration.

Creating a Party Process

Once the main pages were completed, there was ambiguity on how users should create a party. I did usability testing, a task analysis, and a user journey mapping activity to gain feedback.

Page Content

Once the application navigation was established, I browsed successful, familiar applications to gain inspiration for what would go on each page.